There’s nothing wrong with a little Netflix binging, however keeping your mind, body and soul engaged in healthy and productive distractions will certainly fare better in the long run for your emotional and mental health. If you are at a loss of what to do, here’s a collection of engaging ideas that will help you cope with the extra time at home.
*If you would like to print this list, it is available for download at DropBox.
- YOGA - If you never have tried it before, now's the time! I recommend "Yoga with Adriene" for adults and "Cosmic Kids" for children. Both are available on Youtube.
- BAKE / COOK - Find a new recipe and experiment! Remember Pinterest? Yes, it still exists and continues to be a goldmine of yummy and healthy things you can whip up in the kitchen no matter your experience level.
- ORGANIZE YOUR SPACE - You know that closet/drawer/cabinet that collects junk that you never have time to clean? Guess, what? You have time now. Purge all the old you’ve been hanging onto and leave yourself open for the new.
- LEARN A LANGUAGE - Practice a new language, who knows, you might find yourself bi-lingual after all this is over. Download the Duolingo App for a great interactive language learner tool.
- MAKE A VISION BOARD - Have old magazines laying around? Create a vision board to inspire and motivate you. Get into it elementary school style and break out the markers and glitter and let your creative juices flow. Here’s some information on the how-to part of vision board making.
- GET A GARDEN GROWING - Even if you don't have backyard space for a garden, consider starting an indoor small container garden. Look up how to grow fruits and veggies from table scraps.
- KNIT/SEW/CROCHET - Might as well get a jump on those winter scarves now. It’s easier to learn than you think. Raverly.Com is a great knit and crochet community that offers a lot of beginner patterns as well as support for new knitters.
- MEDITATE/DEEP BREATHE - Calm the body and mind with relaxation exercises. There are tons of free apps and YouTube videos that will help guide you. Headspace and Calm are two popular apps that can be downloaded on most devices and offer a library of guided meditations. I often enjoy this guided meditation with clients
- SEND A SECRET GIFT - Know a family member or friend who could use some cheering up? If you have some funds, order a small gift to have shipped to them.
- GET YOUR PHOTOS TOGETHER - Have printed pictures that need sorting through? Have 94543656 photo files? Go through, weed out, and edit those neglected photos. Bonus: You’ll also have the opportunity to relive some fun memories.
- CONNECT - Set up a FaceTime or Zoom chat with friends. Virtual friend dates are all the rage in 2020.
- GET OUTSIDE - Go for a daily walk and explore your neighborhood. Most of us are so busy rushing to and from work, school, wherever, that we never fully take in the beauty of our neighborhoods. Maybe you’ll find a secret gem that you never noticed before.
- WRITE - Start a journal or a blog and let your thoughts flow. Bullet journaling is a great option for those who don’t like more in depth writing.
- TAKE A VIRTUAL TRIP - Many local zoos and aquariums have camera access to their animals. Several famous museums and other tourist destinations also have virtual tours.
- LEARN A NEW SKILL - What is something you have always wanted to learn but never had time for? YouTube can teach you anything.
- GO TO A CONCERT - In your living room that is. Tons of artists are streaming concerts that you can check out from the comfort of your own couch. Here’s your change to check out your faves live with no need for $40 parking, overpriced food, and being way-to-close-and-personal with sweaty concert goers. Sounds like a win-win
- RESEARCH PLACES TO VOLUNTEER - Once the quarantine is over, consider donating some of your time to a worthy cause by volunteering. Research local opportunities to find a perfect match for you
- LEARN TO DRAW - Check out YouTube for some great instructional videos.
- DUST OFF THE BOARD GAMES - Turn off the Switch, XBox, PS4, iPads in favor of some good old-school gaming interaction. Dust ff one of the board games that are stashed in the hall closet. See if you can beat your family at Trivial Pursuit, or engage in an epic game of Monopoly or Risk.
- CREATE A MAKESHIFT MINI GOLF COURSE - Use items around the house to create your very own indoor or outdoor mini golf course. This will be a testament to your creativity.
- BE BUDDIES WITH ALEXA - If you have an Alexa device, she’s got a lot to offer. Now’s the time to tap into all the gaming and skill offerings. Some of my faves are Word Master, the Categories game, Common Knowledge and Trivia Battle. However, there are tons to choose from if trivia isn’t your thing.
- EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR HAIR - If you have found yourself stuck in a hair rut, what better time than to try your hand at learning some easy new hairstyles. If you are really feeling brave, you might even want to attempt a new color.
- BE YOUR OWN MANICURIST - Don’t just stop at your hair, break out all the nail polish and pretty up all your fingers and toes.
- DON’T FORGET YOUR FACE - Have the full at home spa experience. Don’t have a collection of mud masks handy - do a web search for some simple face mask recipes using kitchen ingredients.
- UPDATE YOUR RESUME/CV - Let’s face it, this is something we rarely ever think of doing until we are job searching. Even if your job is secure, it doesn’t hurt to brush it up so it’s ready to go if you should ever need it. Don’t forget to also update your LinkedIn information as well!
- CREATE AN AT HOME WORK OUT - Boost your happy hormones with a daily exercise routine. There are virtual work out’s galore for all levels, not to mention 30 day challenges. Get a few friends on board to keep yourself (and them) motivated.
- GO TO HARVARD - Or rather take an online learning class. Browse their collection of free classes for something that strikes your fancy.
- GO FOR BIKE RIDE - Spice up your walk around the neighborhood by jumping on your bike instead.
- READ A BOOK - Most of us are typically so busy with keeping up with life that we don’t have time for simple pleasures like reading. Brush off that stack of books you bought with good intentions and start digging in. It’s a great way to escape reality for a bit. If you don’t have any books on your bookshelf, check out OpenLibrary.Com for free books you can read online.
- SUNBATHE IN YOUR BACKYARD - Grab a book, a drink, and some music and lounge outside and soak in the sun when it bothers to shine.
- CREATE POSITIVE AFFIRMATION/MANTRA CARDS - Grab some index cards and markers. Create your own set of positive affirmation cards. Decorate the blank side of the card to give them an extra boost of personalization.
- TAKE A DANCE CLASS - It’s amazing the things you can find for free online. Even if you don’t have dancing feet, who cares, no one is watching you. Not only is it fun, but a great workout too. Check out some free dance tutorials at DancePlug
- BOND WITH YOUR PARTNER - Engage in some relationship building discussion. There are a ton of free printables out there with relationship questions. This one from The Generous Wife has a year’s worth of questions, but you can easily break them up to do over the course of several nights. content/uploads/2017/03/365questions.pdf
- FIND YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE - What to better understand how you give and receive love? Do the love languages quiz and find out. There’s a version for singles, couples, teens and even kids!
- LISTEN TO A PODCAST - But not just any podcast, find new-to-you podcast that you can submerge yourself in.
- PLAN YOUR MENU FOR THE WEEK - Eating healthy in quarantine is a little easier if you have a laid out menu plan for the week so you aren’t “stuck” trying to think of healthy meals three times a day.
- REDECORATE YOUR SPACE - Changing up your space by decorating with things you already have is a cheap, and easy, way to renew your surroundings. Find new places to put things, use a stool as a side table, switch up artwork, swap out lamps and shades, restyle your bookshelf, change up your coffee table decor, rearrange your kitchen storage, figure out new ways to use old pieces. The only limits are your imagination!
- DELETE CONTACTS - Why are you hanging onto the information of people who are no longer in your life? Now is the time to purge. Delete old contacts from your phone, and if you are brave enough, your social media too.
- UNFOLLOW ACCOUNTS - And while you’re at it, unfollow accounts from any blog, influencers, companies, etc that no longer float your boat. Cut down on your social media clutter by filtering out the things you have no desire to see.
- ELIMINATE SPAM - While you’re decluttering your social media, also take the time to weed through all that junk email you get and click that little “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of anything you no longer want to get
- START A SAVINGS GOAL - Download some free budgeting printables and start working on your money management plans.
- MAKE A PURGE PILE - Go through all the things and figure out what you don’t need or want anymore and create a purge pile of things to donate or give away.
- MAKE A QUARANTINE PLAYLIST - Create a playlist of upbeat, inspiring and positive music to get you through these next weeks.
- MAKE A TIME CAPSULE - Include a letter about the quarantine, print out relative articles, include a trinket and bury in your backyard (or closet) to be opened at a late date.
- JOIN AN ONLINE BOOK CLUB - A quick web search will bring up a bunch of options, but the big name in virtual book clubs is, of course, Oprah ( Also check out Reese Whitherspoon’s virtual book club at
- GO TO CHURCH - Some churches (and temples, synagogues, etc) are holding virtual masses.
- TAKE A PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS - Up your photo game with a free course. Nikon is offering free courses for the month of April. Alison also have an Introduction to Digital Photography course
- HOUSEWORK AND YARD REPAIRS - Fix all those little things around the house and yard that you have been “meaning” to fix. There’s no time like the present to get your house and yard in order.
- DESIGN NEW BUSINESS CARDS - If you have your own business, revamp your business cards and stationary by coming up with a new design. If your logo hasn’t been updated in awhile, you also may consider giving that a facelift as well.
- CREATE A CALMING SPRAY - Tensions are high, so why not try a little aromatherapy to ease the stress. In a small spray bottle mix 1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of witch hazel. Add 8 drops each of lavender and eucalyptus oil. Give a gentle shake. Spray as necessary.
- CREATE A RITUAL- Maybe it will be meditation at bedtime, or a hot bubble bath each evening, or maybe it will be a gratitude practice each morning. Figure out what ritual of happiness and self care you can incorporate into your daily routine.
- TEACH YOUR PET A TRICK - There’s a ton of awesome pet tricks out there that you and your furriest friend can learn to master together.
- VISIT YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEBSITE - Some websites are listing free services and resources that are available. It might be worth seeing what’s being offered on a local level that might be helpful for you.
- ORGANIZE YOUR PAPERWORK - Go through your filing cabinet and shred any papers, old tax returns, and all the things that you don’t need anymore to clear up space.
- GOGGLE YOUR NAME - See what comes up when you Google your name and get any content remove that discloses any personal information you don’t want publicly share (address, email, etc) and find out what accounts you may still be linked to and don’t use anymore so you can close them.
- DOWNLOAD GAMES - Download some games that let you challenge friends. Revive old classics like Words With Friends, Draw Something and Ruzzle.
- TIE DYE A SHIRT - Get started on your summer wardrobe by tie-dying a couple of old white shirts you have lying around. Check out this tutorial for 3 different ways to tie dye
- BLEACH DYE A SHIRT - If you want a modern twist on tie-dying, bleach dye instead
- MAKE A COMPOST BIN - If you are lucky enough to have the space to create a compost bin outdoors there are loads of low-cost ways to create your own bin for your backyard. You can also compost if you live in an apartment. You can likely create a kitchen compost bin from some things you have around the home
- HAVE A MOVIE NIGHT - I don’t just mean watch a movie, I mean have a whole movie experience. Make some popcorn, nachos, or other movie treats, break out a screen projector if you have one, turn off the lights and watch in total darkness.
- LEARN ORIGAMI - Start out with some easy beginner projects and build your skills from there.
- SEND A HANDWRITTEN NOTE CARD - When was the last time you used that dusty box of stationary you have in your closet? Break it out along with your address book and send a handwritten note card/letter to family and friends. It will be a nice surprise for the recipients and another way to remain in contact with loved ones.
- WRITE A LIST OF COMPLIMENTS TO YOURSELF - Create a list of things that you like about yourself to refer back to when you are having a less than stellar day.
- START AN ACHIEVEMENTS FOLDER - If self compliments aren’t your thing, how about achievements? Whether on your computer or in a physical folder, set aside a place where you can record all of your proudest moments. What obstacles have you overcome? What projects have you completed? What struggles have you managed to learn from? Record all of your successes to reflect on when you’re in a funk or feeling like a failure.
- KEEP A GRATITUDE JOURNAL - Write down three things you are grateful for each day to keep your spirits in a positive place.
- CLEAN YOUR CAR - Deep clean and detail your own car. Since you likely aren’t using it as much, the clean car look will last much longer!
- SNUGGLE YOUR PET - If you’re feeling down, cuddle up with your favorite furry friend.
- SET SMART GOALS - Learn about the art of setting SMART goals. Use this printable worksheet as a guide
- ENGAGE IN MINDFUL EATING - Being home so much can lead to eating out of boredom. Incorporate some mindful eating habits into your day. Start here for some simple ideas You can also try your hand at a mindful eating exercise
- COLOR - There are many free, printable coloring pages. Here’s one of my favorites
- EXERCISE - Engage in an intense exercise routine to get your serotonin flowing.
- GO ON A PHOTOWALK - On your next walk, take pictures of the little things you come across that you find interest. Share your images on Instagram.
- START A NEW INSTAGRAM - Separate your personal photos with “public” photos by making a new Instagram account so showcase things on your photo walk, art projects, quarantine photo diaries, etc. Use this account to connect with others worldwide.
- MAKE A SMOOTHIE - Part of feeling good mentally relies on feeling good physically. Start making daily (or almost daily) nourishing smoothies.
- CREATE A COPING TOOL BOX - Get a plain box to decorate and inside add some calming items including pictures of favorite memories, a journal, pens, soft comfort items, essential oils, a stress ball, and anything else that will fit that helps keep you in a calm head space.
- DO PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION - This tense and release exercise working your way from the top to the tip of your body is a great way to release some stress.
- GET RID OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS - Use 15 minutes to write out your thoughts about anything bothering you. Then burn or throw away the paper. Bonus points for being able to toss them in a fire pit.
- MAKE S’MORES - Speaking of fire pits, now’s a great time to break out the s’more supplies and gather the family around the fire pit for some treats and stories.
- DO A DATE NIGHT - If you live with your significant other, don’t let quarantine stop dates nights. Make a fancy dinner, dress up, set the table with candles and enjoy a date night at home.
- RECONNECT WITH OLD FRIENDS - If you have friends that made your social media purge cut that you haven’t connected with in awhile, make the effort to reach out and check in with them and rebuild your friendship connection.
- DISCOVER YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE - Gain more insight into your personality type by taking an Ennegram test ( and the Myer’s Brigg Personality test (
- BRUSH UP ON RIDDLES - Use this time to master your next party trick and learn some fun and easy riddles to share with others.
- PICK FLOWERS FROM YOUR GARDEN - Bring a little life and beauty inside by snipping some flowers from your garden and making flower arrangements around your house.
- LEARN THE CONSTELLATIONS - Stargazing can be so much fun, if not a bit intimidating at first. Learn some basic constellations and you’ll see the stars in a whole new way
- USE YOUR DIGITAL LIBRARY - If you have a library card, use it to access some digital media from your library. You can borrow ebooks, music, movies and tv shows for free.
- WATCH THE SUN RISE OR SET - Create a new ritual for yourself of watching the sun rise or set each day. You can even combine this with your new photography skills you have been building in suggestion number 47 and take a daily photograph.
- LEARN THE MOON PHASES - The moon is a glorious astronomical body. You may know the basic moon phases, like full and crescent, but how much do you know about the other phases or what they look like?
- MAKE INFUSED WATER - There are a lot of health benefits to infused water, plus it tastes great. It’s a great way to make your daily water intake a bit easier, and it’s fun experimenting with different ingredients to create a flavor that you love.
- TAKE A FANCY BATH - Light some candles, put on some music, add some bath salts, bubbles or homemade bath concoctions, and enjoy a relaxing bath and some pampering time.
- FOSTER A PET - Have room for new furry friends? Lots of shelters are looking to place their pets in temporary, loving, homes. Check out your local shelter’s website for foster options.
- CREATE YOUR OWN MEMES - Everyone else is going it, why can’t you?
- CREATE A DESIGN BOARD - Want to re-do a room, but are on a spending freeze or not quite sure what you want yet? Create a design board to gather some visual plans of your future room makeover.
- CREATE A FASHION BOARD - While you’re at it, you can also dream up your summer wardrobe by creating fashion boards at
- PLAY AN INSTRUMENT - Even if you can’t play it well, play. Download a music tutorial app if you need to.
- DOWNLOAD A KARAOKE APP - Be a singing super star in your own home. Belt out your favorite tunes at the top of your lungs. If you have a karaoke machine, get the family together for karaoke night at home. Supply ear plugs as needed.
- BAKE COOKIES FOR NEIGHBORS/CLOSE FRIENDS - Know a neighbor or friend who is quarantining solo? If they are comfortable, leave a baked goods basket and a note on their doorstep.
- CAMP IN YOUR BACKYARD/BASEMENT/LIVINGROOM - Set up a tent in the backyard with a firepit and sleep under the stars. If that’s not an option, camp out in your living room or basement with sleeping bags and flashlights for some family bonding fun.
- UPDATE YOUR EMAIL SIGNATURES AND VOICE MAIL MESSAGE - Find an inspiring quote to add to your email signature and record a new, updated, message for your voice message box.
- PROPAGATE PLANTS - Plants are a great way to cleanse the air and give your space life. You can expand your plant population at home by growing more of your favorite plants from the ones you already own.
- PARTICIPATE IN VIRTUAL THERAPY - If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, isolated or depressed, or just need additional support, therapy options are available virtually. A therapist can help you process your feelings and experiences, and work with you to build a coping skills toolbox to be able to better manage all the emotions you are experiencing. You don’t have to navigate this alone.
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